gamca medical status check by passport number refers to an individual’s health assessment conducted by authorized medical centers affiliated with GAMCA. This assessment determines whether an individual is suitable for work or residency in GCC countries based on their medical condition.
gamca medical status check
gamca medical status check by passport number is crucial for individuals planning to work or reside in GCC countries. Without a favorable medical status, individuals may be denied entry or employment opportunities. Therefore, it is essential to verify one’s medical status before making any travel or relocation arrangements.
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gamca medical status check by passport number
Ensuring your GAMCA medical status via passport number is a crucial service, easily accessible through the user-friendly Wafid online portal. Simply follow these clear-cut steps to complete the process seamlessly:
First, Accessing the Wafid Online Portal
The Wafid online portal provides a convenient platform for individuals to check their GAMCA medical status.

Second, select “View Medical Reports.”
Within the portal, users can navigate to the “Medical Examinations” section and select “View Medical Reports.”

third, Choosing “By Passport Number”
Users have the option to check their medical status by passport number.
Fourth, Entering Passport Number and Nationality
In the designated fields, users must enter their passport number along with their nationality.
fifth, Checking the Medical Report Status
By clicking the ‘Check’ button, users can promptly access their medical test report status online.

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gamca medical report check online by slip number
Quickly confirm your GAMCA medical status by entering your Wafid slip number into the online system. Here’s a simple guide to get it done:
First, Accessing the Wafid Online Portal

The Wafid online portal provides a convenient platform for individuals to check their GAMCA medical status.
Second, Selecting “View Medical Reports”
Within the portal, users can navigate to the “Medical Examinations” section and choose “View Medical Reports.”

Third, Opting for “Wafid Slip Number”
Users have the option to check their medical status by Wafid slip number.
Fourth, Entering Wafid Slip Number
In the designated field, users must input their Wafid slip number.
Fifth, Checking the Medical Report Status
By clicking the ‘Check’ button, users can promptly retrieve their medical test report status online.

read also: wafid medical report check online
Check Medical Status with Sahel Kuwait App
To access your medical report through the Sahel app, introduced by the Kuwait government to streamline e-health services and simplify medical status checks, follow these straightforward steps:
First, Download and Install the Sahel App:
Download the Sahel app from either the Play Store or the App Store onto your device.
Once downloaded, install the Sahel app on your device.
Second, Open the Sahel App:
Locate the Sahel app icon on your device’s home screen and open it.
Third, Log in or Sign Up:
If you already have an account, log in using your credentials.
If you don’t have an account, sign up for one to proceed.
Fourth, navigate to the Ministry of Health Section:
Within the Sahel app, navigate to the Ministry of Health section.
Fifth, explore available Services:
Explore the options provided related to checking your medical status or accessing other healthcare services you may require.
Sixth, Access Desired Service:
Select the service you need, such as checking your medical status, from the available options.
Follow the prompts provided within the app to complete the process and retrieve your medical report.
In conclusion, gamca medical status check by passport number and slip number is a straightforward process facilitated by the Wafid online portal and via the sahel application.
What is GAMCA medical status?
GAMCA medical status refers to an individual’s health assessment conducted by authorized medical centers affiliated with GAMCA to determine their suitability for work or residency in GCC countries.
What documents are required for a GAMCA medical examination?
Required documents for a GAMCA medical examination include the original passport and a photocopy, two recent passport-sized photographs, a photocopy of the visa, work permit or employment contract, completed medical history form, and payment of the medical examination fee.
How can I schedule a GAMCA medical appointment online?
Individuals can schedule a GAMCA medical appointment online through the Wafid portal by selecting “Book an Appointment” under the “Medical Examinations” section and filling out the appointment form with their details.
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