PACI Kuwait

Kuwait National identification number Guide

Kuwait National identification number Guide

in Kuwait, the National identification number commonly known as the Civil ID Number, is a crucial aspect of everyday life. Issued and managed by the Public Agency for Civil Information (PACI), this 12-digit identifier is vital for accessing a wide range of government services and verifying one’s identity. In this article, we’ll dive into the uses of the National Identification Number, explain the details of the Civil ID, and offer additional insights into its significance.

National identification number

the National identification number in Kuwait, also referred to as the Kuwaiti Civil ID Number, is a unique 12-digit code assigned to every resident. This number is prominently displayed on the Civil ID card and plays a vital role in various administrative processes.

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Structure of the Kuwaiti Civil ID Number

The Civil ID Number is indispensable for residents in Kuwait, as it is required for numerous official and legal processes, ranging from banking to healthcare.

  • The Kuwaiti Civil ID Number consists of 12 digits, with each segment representing specific information about the individual.
  • The second through seventh digits in the Civil ID number represent the person’s birthdate, formatted as YYMMDD. This feature helps with quick identification and age verification.

national identification number user

The National Identification Number allows individuals to access a variety of government services, such as healthcare, social security, and more.
The Civil ID Number is extensively used to verify an individual’s identity in both public and private sector transactions.

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National identification number example

The Kuwaiti National Identification Number, or Civil ID Number, is a 12-digit code uniquely assigned to every resident of Kuwait. For example, a typical Civil ID number might be 289011212345, where the second through seventh digits (890112) represent the person’s birthdate, indicating that the individual was born on January 12, 1989. This format ensures easy identification and age verification, while the last digit is a checksum used to validate the entire number.

National identification number check

Kuwaiti residents can easily check the status of their Civil ID cards online through PACI’s official website, This service provides real-time updates on the status of the ID card.

  • Check the status of your Civil ID on
Kuwait National identification number Guide
  • Track the renewal status of your Civil ID
Kuwait National identification number Guide

  • Verify your registered address through PACI services.
Kuwait National identification number Guide

kuwait civil ID card

The Kuwaiti Civil ID card, provided by the Government of Kuwait through PACI, serves as an essential identification tool, containing the following details:

The individual’s complete name is listed.
Birth Date
Displays the individual’s date of birth.
Indicates the holder’s nationality, whether Kuwaiti or foreign.
Shows the individual’s gender.
ID Number
 A distinct identification number unique to the individual.
Residency Information
Differentiates between Kuwaiti nationals and non-Kuwaiti residents.
Contains a current image of the cardholder.
Expiry Information
 Specifies when the card is set to expire.
 Includes the cardholder’s handwritten signature.
Anti-Counterfeit Features
Equipped with security elements like holograms and watermarks to prevent forgery.

The Kuwait National identification number or Civil ID Number, is a fundamental part of life in Kuwait. It facilitates access to essential services, verifies identity, and ensures efficient administration. By understanding the structure, uses, and renewal processes of the Civil ID, residents can make the most of this important document.

What is the format of the Kuwaiti Civil ID Number?

The Civil ID Number consists of 12 digits, with the second through seventh digits representing the individual’s birthdate.

What should I do if my Civil ID is lost or stolen?

Report the loss or theft to PACI immediately and apply for a replacement card.

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